"Your individuality will always be your precious right and must be treasured. Take from the rest of us all that you can assimilate, that can become a part of you, but never still the small voice that whispers to you, 'I like it better my way.'"
—Andrew Loomis, Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
—森田季節, 異世界作家生活 女騎士さんと始めるものかきスローライフ
『作家なんて皆、変態だ、 露出 狂 だ。自分の 狂った頭の中を全世界の人間にさらけ出そうとする、とんでもないキ○ガイばっかりだ。あはははははははははははははははははは』—丸戸 史明, 冴えない彼女の育てかた11
「おまえは彼女をつくれ。一生をこの人とともに過ごしたいと思えるような、この人の一生を独占してしまいたいと思えるような、おまえはそんな彼女をつくるべきだ。それが無理なら、親友をつくれ、ただの趣味の合う仲間ではなく、おまえの成功を本気で喜び、おまえが間違ったときには本気で意見してくれる親友をつくれ!それも無理なら、敵をつくれ。つねに動向を意識させられて、こいつだけには負けられないと思うような、おまえの人生につねに危機意識を与える敵をつくれ」—川岸殴魚, 人生
"No picture ever really satisfies me. If you become satisfied with your work, you are through! I dream that every picture I start is going to be a wonderful one. In my mind it has infinite possibilities, but as I go on painting and am forced to face realities the dream begins to fade and I realize it is going to be just another picture. Then comes the time when I have to call on all my character and resolution to go ahead with the painting. Finally, if all goes well, toward the end a small part of the hope for a good picture returns and I finish it. But the finished job never is up to the dream at the start. If, in the course of a year, I have done three pictures of which I am at all proud, I have had a pretty good year."
—Norman Rockwell, How I Make a Picture