Album: 東方万能飲薬
Arrangement MiYAMO
Lyrics: いずみん
Vocal: 愛空アキハ
Origin: 厄神様の通り道 ~ Dark Road
Hina Choco ♪ Hina Choco ♪ Have some delicious chocolate ♪
Hina Choco ♪ Hina Choco ♪ I’m a master chocolatier ♪
ちょこれいと あまくとろーける
ちょこれいと あげたいな!
ちょこれいと 隠し味に
Chocolate, sweet and melts in your mouth
Chocolate, I want to give you some!
Chocolate, now for the secret ingredient
I’ll mix in some misfortune!
ちょこれいと 少しビターな
ちょこれいと 作っちゃお!
暗黒物質<ダークマター> 100%♪
Chocolate, just a little bitter
Chocolate, let’s get cooking!
100% dark matter ♪
Spinning round and round while mixing Hina choco ☆
(くーれっ!) はいっ! (くーれっ!) はいっ!
(くーれっ!) はいっ! (くーれっ!) やだっ!
(くーれっ!) はいっ! (くーれっ!) はいっ!
(くーれっ!) はいっ! (くーれっ!) はぁ?
(Gimme!) Here! (Gimme!) Here!
(Gimme!) Here! (Gimme!) No way!
(Gimme!) Here! (Gimme!) Here!
(Gimme!) Here! (Gimme!) Huhh?
(くーれっ!) はいっ! (くーれっ!) はいっ!
(くーれっ!) はいっ! (くーれっ!) えーっ!
(くーれっ!) はいっ! (くーれっ!) はいっ!
(Gimme!) Here! (Gimme!) Here!
(Gimme!) Here! (Gimme!) Eww!
(Gimme!) Here! (Gimme!) Here!
ネットもねぇ! ゲームもねぇ! ピーエススリーはなにものだ?
香霖堂! あるけれど! ガラクタ置き場に変わりがねぇ!
巫女さんと! 魔女さんに! ボムを打たれて空拝む!
信仰ねぇ! あるわけねぇ! どこぞの神社は賽銭ねぇ!
No internet! No video games! What’s a PS3?
There’s Kourindo, though, it’s more like a junkyard!
The shrine maiden! And the witch! Use a bomb and gaze up at the sky in prayer
There’s no faith! Why would there be! A certain shrine gets no offerings!
ドラマもねぇ! 番組ねぇ! 河童のテレフォンショップだけ!
牛乳は! あるけれど! なぜかチルミル粉ミルク!
ヤフーもねぇ! グーグルねぇ! ひなちゃん毎日ぐーるぐる! (HIGH!!)
彼氏もねぇ! 彼女もねぇ! 誰もそもそも近づかねぇ!
There’s no dramas! No TV shows! Just the kappa’s shopping channel!
We do have milk! However! Just Chirumiru Powdered Milk!
There’s no Yahoo! Or Google! Just Hina’s googly eyes from spinning around every day!
I don’t have a boyfriend! Or a girlfriend! No one ever comes near me!
幻想郷にゃカカオとか無いから ぐっちゃどろの厄いり!
さぁ! 口開けて流し込み噛み締めて! て! て!
雲山っぽいケムリ出ててもきっと まったく問題なし!
さぁ! 口開けて流し込み砕け散れ!
There’s no cocoa in Gensokyo so I’ll replace it with dark and sticky misfortune!
It’s deli… riously bad?
C’mon! Open wide, chow down and chew well! Well! Well!
It’s giving off a cloud of smoke that looks suspiciously like Unzan, but I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about!
It probably tastes like death, but!
C’mon! Open wide, chow down and fall to pieces!
ちょこれいと ギガ苦ビター
ちょこれいと たべたいな!
ちょこれいと 着色料に
Chocolate, giga bitter
Chocolate, I want to eat some!
Chocolate, for the food colouring
I’ll mix in a lot of misfortune!
(くーれっ!) はいっ! (くーれっ!) はいっ!
(くーれっ!) はいっ! (くーれっ!) NOっ!
(くーれっ!) はいっ! (くーれっ!) はいっ!
(くーれっ!) はいっ! (くーれっ!) むりっ!
(Gimme!) Here! (Gimme!) Here!
(Gimme!) Here! (Gimme!) NO!
(Gimme!) Here! (Gimme!) Here!
(Gimme!) Here! (Gimme!) Not happening!
(くーれっ!) はいっ! (くーれっ!) はいっ!
(くーれっ!) はいっ! (くーれっ!) うーん!
(くーれっ!) はいっ! (くーれっ!) はいっ!
(くれぇぇぇぇえっ…!) いやっ!
(Gimme!) Here! (Gimme!) Here!
(Gimme!) Here! (Gimme!) Umm…
(Gimme!) Here! (Gimme!) Here!
(Gimmeeeeeeee!) Stay back!
(くーれっ!) はいっ! (くーれっ!) はいっ!
(くーれっ!) はいっ! (くーれっ!) くえっ!
(くーれっ!) はいっ! (くーれっ!) はいっ!
(くーれっ!) はいっ! (くーれっ!) おうっ!
(Gimme!) Here! (Gimme!) Here!
(Gimme!) Here! (Gimme!) Eat up!
(Gimme!) Here! (Gimme!) Here!
(Gimme!) Here! (Gimme!) Ooh!
(くーれっ!) はいっ! (くーれっ!) はいっ!
(くーれっ!) はいっ! (くーれっ!) ちねっ!
(くーれっ!) はいっ! (くーれっ!) はいっ!
(Gimme!) Here! (Gimme!) Here!
(Gimme!) Here! (Gimme!) Die!
(Gimme!) Here! (Gimme!) Here!
カカオもねぇ! オカカもねぇ! そもそもレシピがどこにもねぇ!
マグロもねぇ! ビーチもねぇ! 河童の流れる小川だけ!
寺子屋は! あるけれど! 先生怖くて誰もいねぇ!
郵便ねぇ! ポストもねぇ! たまに来るのは伝書鳩!
There’s no cocoa! Or bonito flakes! I don’t even have a recipe to follow!
There’s no tuna! Or a beach! Just a stream full of kappa!
There is a temple school! However! The teacher scared off all the students!
There’s no post office! Or a mailbox! But sometimes we get carrier pigeons!
スーパーねぇ! コンビニねぇ! 森はあるけどAmaz●nねぇ!
メイドさん! いるけれど! ナイフ投げるし超あぶねぇ!
新聞は! あるけれど! 内容山オチ意味がねぇ! (HIGH!!)
友達ねぇ! いるわけねぇ! たまに来るのは芋姉妹!
There’re no supermarkets! Or convenience stores! There’s a forest, but there’s no Amaz●n!
There is a maid! However! She’s always throwing knives – it’s dangerous!
We have a newspaper! However! The articles have no climax, no point, no meaning![1] (HIGH!!)
I have no friends! How would I! The only ones who visit me are the potato sisters!
さぁ! 口開けて流し込み噛み砕け! け! け!
The only thing Gensokyo has to offer is chaos
Filled with greasy misfortune!
It’s terribly delicious… or deliciously terrible?
C’mon! Open wide, chow down, and gnash those teeth! Teeth! Teeth!
さぁ! 口開けて流し込み砕け散れ!
There’s a UFO sticking out
But I don’t take complaints or returns!
I’ll bet it’s so delicious you’ll want to die!
C’mon! Open wide, chow down and fall to pieces!
Hina Choco ♪ Hina Choco ♪ Have some delicious chocolate ♪
Hina Choco ♪ Hina Choco ♪ It’s time for the chocolate you’ve all been waiting for ♪
さぁ! 口開けて流し込み噛み締めろ! ろ! ろ!
Gensokyo doesn’t have the ingredients I need
So I’ll just mix a rough amount of misfortune in!
It’s very… not for human consumption!
C’mon! Open wide, chow down and chew well! Well! Well!
さぁ! 口開けて流し込み感謝しな!
It’s got a stage enemy or two poking out
But let’s not sweat the details!
You’re probably gonna die, but!
C’mon! Open wide, chow down and don’t forget to say thank you!
くーえ! (くえねー) くーえ! (いらねー)
くーえ! (くえねー) くーえ! (いらねー)
くーえ! (くえねー) くーえ! (いらねー)
くーえ! (くえねー) いいから食べなさいよっ!!
Eat up! (We can’t eat this!) Eat up! (We don’t want it!)
Eat up! (We can’t eat this!) Eat up! (We don’t want it!)
Eat up! (We can’t eat this!) Eat up! (We don’t want it!)
Eat up! (We can’t eat this!) Just shut up and eat it!!
くーえ! (くえねー) くーえ! (いらねー)
くーえ! (くえねー) くーえ! (いらねー)
くーえ! (くえねー) くーえ! (いらねー)
くーえ! (くえねー)
Eat up! (We can’t eat this!) Eat up! (We don’t want it!)
Eat up! (We can’t eat this!) Eat up! (We don’t want it!)
Eat up! (We can’t eat this!) Eat up! (We don’t want it!)
Eat up! (We can’t eat this!)